RWE Code of Conduct

Principles of Corporate Governance for RWE

The integrity of all our activities is an essential requirement for sustained and successful growth. We are aware of our role in the community and our responsibility towards customers, business partners, shareholders and employees.

The RWE Code of Conduct establishes rules of behaviour for RWE employees that apply throughout the Group and are based on the principles of corporate governance.

RWE has committed itself to clear principles:

• Personal responsibility
• Honesty
• Loyalty
• Respect for others and for the environment

The underlying principles of the RWE Code of Conduct form the foundation for the activities of RWE, both as a business and as a corporate citizen. We want to encourage our employees to take responsibility for their actions, and the RWE Code of Conduct has the purpose of giving them clear guidance in their daily work.

It specifies the conformity of our activities with laws and regulations and also with social, cultural and community standards and values. It is based on the Global Compact of the United Nations, which we joined in 2004, and the OECD principles for multinational companies.

You will find additional information on the RWE Code of Conduct, our anti-corruption measurer and the organisation of compliance under Compliance.