Since January 2004, the RWE Group has been a member of the “United Nations Global Compact” (UNGC) initiated by former General Secretary of the UN Kofi Annan. As a signatory to the ten principles underlying the UNGC, RWE has expressly renewed its commitment to uphold human rights and international labour standards, promote environmental protection in its business activities and prevent corruption.
RWE supports the UNGC and its aim of making a contribution to worldwide adoption of its ten principles. Due to the fact that human rights and environmental protection are not yet accorded the necessary importance at global level, it is particularly important for us to lead by example. So those ten principles form the basis of our RWE Code of Conduct and the general principles of good conduct contained in that code. In addition, we incorporate the principles in our business processes and apply specific measures to implement them. In our annual CR report, which also serves as a progress report, we make it clear which measures we have taken within the reporting period and state the concrete results we have achieved. In applying those ten principles, we are also helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations in 2015.
Human rights
1. Companies should support and respect the protection of internationally recognised human rights and
2. ensure that they do not participate in human rights violations.
Working relationship
3. Companies should maintain freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, as well as
4. committing to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour,
5. the abolition of child labour and
6. the elimination of discrimination in the workplace.
7. Companies should deal with environmental challenges with sensitivity,
8. implement initiatives to promote environmental responsibility and commit to the development and
9. diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Fighting corruption
10. Companies should take action against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.