General conditions
We provide our suppliers with all relevant information
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RWE Procurement consists of Renewables Procurement for the direct demands of our renewable businesses, Power/Generation Procurement for the direct demands of our conventional generation businesses and Central Procurement for the entire indirect demands of the RWE Group.
Our business partners play a crucial role in achieving our top position in the energy market. This means we need to work with the best and highest performing business partners to help us achieve this goal. Quality, reliability and cost-effectiveness are vital factors in this context. Only if we optimise the entire value chain together will we continue to achieve palpable competitive advantages in the future. The aim is to jointly create an optimised supply chain.
At Procurement we work with a large number of national and international business partners. We want to develop our portfolio of high-performing business partners further and select the best business partners worldwide. We are therefore generally interested in working with new business partners.
In our relationships with business partners we ensure that we adhere to the RWE Code of Conduct. We thus do not enter into business relationships with business partners who are publicly known to have breached the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. In our business relationships we also always advocate that the Global Compact be implemented and adhered to in other companies and in particular at our business partners.
We are looking forward to an open, fair and collaborative partnership!