RWE AG: Ad-hoc-disclosure according to Art. 17 MAR - Extreme weather conditions in Texas harm RWE’s electricity generation and negatively affect EBITDA 2021 estimated in the range of low to medium three digit million Euro amount

Essen, 18 February 2021

The extreme weather conditions in Texas/USA lead to outages of RWE’s wind turbines and high electricity prices. In order to be able to meet its own delivery obligations, RWE currently has to buy electricity at abnormal high pricing conditions following an order of the Public Utility Commission of Texas directing the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) to reflect scarcity prices. As a result, the earnings (EBITDA) of the Onshore Wind/Solar segment in 2021 are expected to be negatively affected in the range of a low to mid three-digit million euro amount in total. A final assessment of the actual impact is not yet possible at this point in time.
Disclosed by Dr Ulrich Rust, General Counsel