RWE AG: Ad-hoc release in accordance with Art. 17 MAR - RWE AG: RWE expected to close first quarter of 2023 with adjusted EBITDA of €2.8 billion

Essen, 27 April 2023

Based on preliminary figures, RWE is expected to close the first quarter of 2023 with adjusted EBITDA at Group level of €2.8 billion, significantly higher than in the prior-year period. This is primarily due to higher earnings from international power generation in the Hydro/Biomass/Gas segment compared with the first quarter of 2022. 

The following figures for the first quarter of 2023 are preliminary:
- Adjusted EBITDA of the RWE Group: € 2.798 million 
- Adjusted EBITDA of the core business € 2.302  million 
- Adjusted EBIT € 2.303 million 
- Adjusted net income € 1.671 million 
Definition of the key earnings indicators are provided in the Annual Report 2022 on p. 26. 

The forecast issued for fiscal year 2023 is confirmed.
Full Results for the first quarter of 2023 will be presented as planned on 11 May 2023.

Disclosed by Dr Ulrich Rust
General Counsel