RWE and E.ON have reached a contractual agreement to transfer the 76.8% majority stake in innogy held by RWE to E.ON within the scope of an extensive swap of assets and business fields. We will continue to pursue this transaction as planned and implement it with resolve. This holds true irrespective of the announcement published by innogy SE today concerning an inquiry of a third party interested in acquiring business activities, which the innogy Executive Board is obligated to review to fulfil the usual duties imposed on it by German stock corporation law.
RWE is convinced that the transaction agreed with E.ON offers the biggest potential with a view to rising to the challenges of the energy transition in networks, retail and generation.
As innogy’s main shareholder, RWE believes that value can be maximised if two clearly focused companies play a significant role in the international energy markets in the future. The transaction gives shareholders and employees the brightest prospects over the long term while strengthening Germany as an industrial and business focused country. Therefore, breaking up and selling innogy in pieces is not an alternative for RWE.