62.30 % of the statutory capital was present at the Annual General Meeting 2021. This includes the votes cast by postal voting.
Shares for which valid votes were cast | Share of capital stock this represents (%) | Yes | % | No | |
Item 2 Appropriation of distributable profit |
421,244,128 | 62.29 | 421,197,875 | 99.99 | 46,253 |
Item 3 Approval of the acts of the members of the Executive Board for fiscal 2020 |
419,627,724 | 62.05 | 419,420,778 | 99.95 | 206,946 |
Item 4 Approval of the acts of the members of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2020 |
419,093,465 | 61.98 | 404,189,935 | 96.44 | 14,903,530 |
Item 5 Appointment of the auditors for fiscal 2021 and of the auditors for the audit-like review of the half-year financial report and of the interim financial reports |
419,631,249 | 62.06 | 384,175,029 | 91.55 | 35,456,220 |
Item 6.1 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Dr. Werner Brandt |
416,589,100 | 61.61 | 385,031,284 | 92.42 | 31,557,816 |
Item 6.2 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Dr. Hans Bünting |
419,928,429 | 62.10 | 418,628,261 | 99.69 | 1,300,168 |
Item 6.3 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Ute Gerbaulet |
420,865,291 | 62.24 | 416,935,989 | 99.07 | 3,929,302 |
Item 6.4 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Prof. Dr. Ing. Dr. Ing. E.h. Hans-Peter Keitel |
414,602,526 | 61.31 | 413,941,166 | 99.84 | 661,360 |
Item 6.5 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Mag. Dr. h.c. Monika Kircher |
419,097,633 | 61.98 | 408,445,621 | 97.46 | 10,652,012 |
Item 6.6 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Günther Schartz |
420,336,984 | 62.16 | 397,947,863 | 94.67 | 22,389,121 |
Item 6.7 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Dr. Erhard Schipporeit |
420,887,426 | 62.24 | 398,207,136 | 94.61 | 22,680,290 |
Item 6.8 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Ullrich Sierau |
420,811,130 | 62.23 | 411,481,089 | 97.78 | 9,330,041 |
Item 6.9 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Hauke Stars |
419,936,631 | 62.10 | 419,462,254 | 99.89 | 474,377 |
Item 6.10 Elections to the Supervisory Board – Helle Valentin |
419,739,462 | 62.07 | 398,761,014 | 95.00 | 20,978,448 |
Item 7 Approval of the remuneration system for members of the Executive Board |
418,244,593 | 61.85 | 389,762,812 | 93.19 | 28,481,781 |
Item 8 Passage of a resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation |
416,615,823 | 61.61 | 415,159,654 | 99.65 | 1,456,169 |
Item 9 Renewal of authorised capital and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation |
421,136,121 | 62.28 | 409,308,556 | 97.19 | 11,827,565 |
Item 10 Authorisation to issue convertible and/or option bonds, formation of conditional capital and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation |
421,010,482 | 62.26 | 407,567,602 | 96.81 | 13,442,880 |
Item 11 Amendment of Article 8, Paragraph 4 of the Articles of Incorporation (By-elections to the Supervisory Board) |
418,963,361 | 61.96 | 413,803,130 | 98.77 | 5,160,231 |
Item 12 Amendment of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Articles of Incorporation (Election of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board) |
421,195,596 | 62.29 | 416,032,074 | 98.77 | 5,163,522 |
Item 13 Amendment of Article 15, Paragraph 2 of the Articles of Incorporation (Proof of authorisation to participate in the Annual General Meeting) |
421,183,564 | 62.28 | 421,115,851 | 99.98 | 67,713 |