RWE commissions Schönau photovoltaic plant in Saxony
RWE has been awarded a tender by HessenForst. On two sites in the municipality of Burghaun in the district of Fulda, RWE plans to build a wind farm with an installed capacity of 33 megawatts. Commissioning is planned for 2028, after which the five wind turbines will be able to generate enough green electricity to supply over 22,700 households with green electricity each year.
Katja Wünschel, CEO RWE Renewables Europe & Australia: “To drive forward the energy transition in Germany, we are massively increasing our investments, strengthening our team and thereby accelerating the expansion of renewable energy. Here in Burghaun, we are using existing agricultural roads, leaving ecologically valuable areas untouched. The forest’s wind will thus make an important contribution to climate protection, while at the same time complying with strict nature conservation and species protection requirements.”
With a view to creating synergies, RWE is currently in dialogue with local stakeholders. This includes talks with the local energy cooperative Energiegenossenschaft Burghaun and the regional energy supplier RhönENERGIE-Gruppe. Options for the participation of citizens and neighbouring communities are also being explored. In its many years of experience in the development, construction and operation of wind farms, RWE has specifically focused on local partnerships and has successfully implemented many projects with the participation of local authorities and citizens.
As the planning process progresses, RWE intends to invite interested residents of Burghaun to information events to present the progress of the project.
As one of the world’s leading companies in the field of renewable energies, RWE is driving forward the expansion of its renewables activities. Between 2024 and 2030, RWE plans to invest around €11 billion net in its green portfolio in its home market Germany. The company already operates around 90 onshore wind farms in Germany.
Pictures for media use of RWE wind farms in Germany are available at the RWE Media Centre. Credit: RWE