Kamting and Stefan talk about how they became buddies despite living 500 kilometres apart

"We are both IT nerds"

"We are both IT nerds"

"Are you IT nerds?" was one of the questions in our conversation with colleagues Kamting from England and Stefan from Germany. The unanimous answer was: "I guess you could say that." Identical interests and a good sense of humour - the best prerequisites for becoming buddies. In the interview, the two colleagues from RWE Supply & Trading tell us why they immediately had a lot to talk about at their first online meeting despite the great distance and different departmental affiliations.


Stefan joined the Risk IT team at RWE Supply & Trading as a working student around 10 years ago. Since 2014, he has been working full-time in this area, first as a Developer and then, for the last two years, as a Solution Architect & Developer. 
Kamting has been working at RWE for four months - as a Data Engineer in the Lead in Data team of RWE Supply & Trading. Before that, he was a Senior Consultant at Deloitte MCS Limited for over four years.

The interview

You live in different countries. When and how did your paths cross?  

Kamting: A mutual colleague put us in touch. The Lead in Data team, in which I have been working since November, is quite new at RWEST. We wanted to establish contact with the other IT teams to strengthen co-operation. Stefan knows his way around the IT world at RWE, having been there for a long time, so he's a very good contact person. And that doesn't just apply to IT issues: he helps me to find my way around our large company. There are many things I need to understand in order to work efficiently. It's good to know that Stefan is there to help me in word and deed.

"IT nerds stick together" - is that a fair way to describe your first online meeting? Or did you also talk about things other than IT?

Stefan (laughs): During our first Skype call we did actually talk a lot about IT. That’s our common interest and our field of work at RWE. It was interesting to learn where each other comes from and what IT topics we both deal with on a daily basis. At our next meetings, however, I'm sure things will relax a bit so that we can also discuss more personal things.  

What IT topics do you deal with in your daily work? What are your tasks?  

Kamting: The Lead in Data team was set up last year in order to build a central data platform for RWEST, among other things. With the help of this platform, all data will be collected, evaluations run and analyses created. Data protection is ensured through an authorisation concept. At the same time, the platform will also have some collaborative elements that will strengthen the co-operation of the employees. What I like most is that we are working very closely with the business.  

Stefan: Our Risk IT team is responsible for all risk applications at RWEST. Whenever it comes to risk topics, we are involved on the IT side - whether market or finance-related. We are constantly developing our applications and also looking at new technologies that we can use to become even more efficient.  

Your first Buddy Skype call was obviously a great success, as you had a lot to talk about. Will you now meet virtually on a regular basis?

Kamting: Yes, definitely. We have already set up the next meetings, at least once a month. It's not only me who can benefit from our regular exchange, but our teams as well. Sometimes we face similar challenges and can solve them faster together. I also hope that we can meet in person soon, as soon as travelling is possible again.  

Stefan: I hope so too! In the meantime, Kamting can always call me if he needs help or advice. I remember very well that my colleagues were very supportive when I was taking my first steps in the Group. Now I'd like to pass on my RWE experience.

Thank you very much for the interview.

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